“Special Agents Training” is a scenario game that combines a criminal intrigue with team-building tasks. In this scenario we invite the participants to take part in a secret program that recruits agents among talented business staff. The participants are tasked with completing a number of feats that will test their cleverness, physical condition and – last but not least – sense of humour.


  • Group size: 5-120 people
  • Form: indoor/outdoor
  • Duration: 3-6 hours

Benefits for the team:

  • team skills development
  • intriguing plot
  • creativity booster
  • a lot of humour

A couple of days before the event the participants are informed that during their trip they will attend a – rather boring – lecture with some authority from their line of business. But when they finally come to the conference room it appears that the meeting won’t take place. A strange event took place in the hotel and the lecturer was taken to a hospital…

Luckily, the representatives of The Secret Intelligence take necessary action and invite the participants to a special recruitment program. They will take part in various team-building tasks, test their communication&cooperation skills, investigate and find out what happened to the lecturer. Will the evidence gathered help in uncovering the intrigue? Who is a potential culprit: Lolita flirting with the guest at the night bar or maybe a hotel technician innocently changing the light bulbs? During our game the participants will find answers to these and other questions.

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